
科目名 国際社会と異文化交流B 科目コード 1137 単位数 2
担当者名 ニールセン・ブライアン 開講セメスター 第2セメスター 開講年次 1年次
授業の方法 講義 到達目標 実務経験 無 
ナンバリング ※DP(ディプロマポリシー)と到達目標の関連性については、カリキュラムマップ(商学科観光産業学科)参照
This course provides further opportunities for learners to develop their knowledge of western society customs and culture through a series of English lectures, songs and videos. Opportunities are also provided to develop students’ English communication ability via English role-plays and group discussion tasks.
Students will:
1. engage in role-play tasks in which they produce targeted language phrases
2. practice note-taking while listening to songs and lectures in English
3. discuss intercultural topic based questions with partners in English
4. write 3-paragraph online discussion posts in English containing information about the following topics: (Music; My most important job factors; and Travel and tourism)
1週目 Topic: World Music (group discussion) / Role-play: Inviting and refusing invitations (pair work) / Listening: English song 1 / Lecture: Music
2週目 Topic: Folktales (group discussion) / Role-play: Re-telling a story in past tense (pair work) / Listening: English song 2 / Lecture: Momotaro the Peachboy (in English)
3週目 Topic: Compliments (group discussion) / Role-play: Giving and accepting compliments (pair work) / Listening: English song 3 / Lecture: Giving and accepting compliments
4週目 Topic: Money and Job Satisfaction (group discussion) / Online discussion post: Job satisfaction factors / Listening: English song 4 / Lecture: Job Satisfaction Factors
5週目 Topic: Superstitions (group discussion) / Using If clauses to express superstitions (pair work) / Listening: English song 5 / Lecture: Superstitions
6週目 Topic: Bars, restaurants & cafes (group discussion) / Role-play: Ordering at a cafe and at a restaurant (pair work) / Listening: English song 6 / Lecture: Restaurants, Bars and Cafes
7週目 Revision of topics and role-plays from lessons 1-6 / Listening: English song 7 / Lecture: Lessons 1-6 revision
8週目 Topic: Crime and Punishment 1 (group discussion) / Role-play: Reporting a theft (pair work) / Listening: English song 8 / Lecture: Crime and punishment
9週目 Topic: Travel and Tourism (group discussion) / Role-play: Booking a holiday (pair work) / Listening: English song 9 / Lecture: Travel tips for traveling abroad
10週目 Topic: Etiquette (group discussion) / Online discussion post: Etiquette customs / Listening: English song 10 / Lecture: Etiquette and manners
11週目 Topic: Men and Women (1) (group discussion) / Role-play: Expressing wishes and hopes 1 (pair work) / Listening: English song 11 / Lecture: Women and men
12週目 Topic: Wedding customs (group discussion) / Role-play: Planning an event / Listening: English song 12 / Lecture: Wedding traditions and customs
13週目 Topic: Western Universities (group discussion) / Role-play: Checking in at an international airport (pair work) / Listening: English song 13 / Lecture: Japanese vs. Australian universities
14週目 Revision of Lessons 1-13 topics and main points / Listening: English song 14 / Lecture: Lessons 1-13 revision
15週目 End-of-term test / Listening: English song 15 / Lecture: Culture and trivia quiz
16週目 Review, Test return and feedback, Conclusion
(The instructor reserves the right to modify the course schedule.)
(1) Buy a clear file to keep all of your lecture notes. You will be tested on information in your lecture notes at the end of the semester.
(2) Complete online discussion forum assignments on time.
(3) Attend class and participate in class discussions and activities.
Online discussion posts: 40%
End-of-term exam: 20%
Classwork and participation: 40%

This course will be taught in both Japanese and in English.
Feedback for this course is given by the instructor during lesson time, and via Hokkai email and the Moodle system gradebook outside of lesson time.
No textbook will be assigned for this course; Teacher will provide relevant materials.
English-Japanese dictionary